10 Refactorings to Boost your Clean Code Efficiency

A step-by-step guide for people who want to learn these most used code refactorings. With a simple but complete code snippet, we'll learn how to use IDE shortcuts to prettify the code slice by slice.

This guide will take you from beginner to advanced developer with all the details explained.

Talking about clean code and refactoring, there are some basic moves too. These refactorings are so small that, on the surface, they don't seem to do much. But the trick here is once you master them, I mean really good at them, and you tend to be a more effective programmer. It's not about how fast you can type but more about how fast you can shape and reshape your code before the idea slips away from your mind.

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Want to learn the most useful but overlooked tips when cleaning up your code? Here I've put together the 10 most common refactorings that can make you a much more productive and efficient developer.

In this 22 pages tutorial, I'll guide through a small but complete example to demonstrate how to use WebStorm shortcuts to apply the most common used refactorings to convert the code into a much concise and maintainable state, and you can use these techniques right away in your own project as well.

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